The reverse osmosis plant in container allows the treatment of potable water that is high in dissolved solids, brackish water or even sea-water. The plant is assembled in a maritime container of 20-foot or 40-foot, depending on the model, making transportation and the location of its final destination easier.
Generally, plants include the following characteristics:
- Pre-disinfection via sodium hypochlorite dosage and pH correction (as an option, an equipment that generates chlorine from brine is provided).
- Multimedia filtration for the reduction of suspended solids.
- Removal of residual chlorine through filtration with activated carbon or bisulfate dosage (depending on the model).
- Antiscalant dosage.
- Microfiltration.
- Pumping of membranes with soft starter. Optional frequency shifter.
- Reverse osmosis membranes. Optional low pressure, brackish water or sea water membranes.
- Flow rate control in permeate and reject production with rotameters.
- Permeate conductivity measurement.
- RO water storage system with free chlorine and pH control. Optional remineralisation system using calcite/dolomite.
- Plant control via PLC.
- Lighting system for the container. Optional air conditioner.